This blog represents the ongoing happenings around Good Shepherd Hospice.

June 2024 – CNA WEEK

June 2024 – CNA WEEK

Honoring Our Healthcare Heroes Every year, National Nursing Assistants Week, also known as CNA Week, shines a spotlight on the invaluable contributions of Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) in the healthcare industry. This special week is dedicated to recognizing the...

November 2023 – Veteran’s Day

November 2023 – Veteran’s Day Veterans in public park Thank For Your Service This November 11th we honor all of those who have worn the uniform in defense of the United States. Their dedication to duty and service stand as examples to all of us and we would...

October 2023 – Breast Cancer Month

October 2023 – Breast Cancer Month Multiracial senior women hugging each other after gardening together - Elderly female friendship concept We are In It Together. Breast Cancer affects our mothers, sisters, daughters, and friends. Good Shepherd Hospice wants to...

Sep 2023 – Assisted Living Week

Sep 2023 – Assisted Living Week Caregiver having breakfast with his client at a cafe. This September 11th through 17th, we celebrate Assisted Living Week.  Assisted Living communities offer options for maintaining an independent life style while...

Aug 2023 – Happy Summer

Aug 2023 – Happy Summer Happy Summer! This summer we encourage everyone to get some sun, wear sunscreen and stay hydrated.Going outside this summer has many benefits including reducing stress, reducing high blood...

May 2023 – National Nurses Week

May 2023 – National Nurses Week This week, we would like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of nurses around the world. To those who continue to get up each day with a passion for serving others.For those who exude patience, when life gives unsuspected...

April 2023 – Volunteer Month

April 2023 – Volunteer Month This month Good Shepherd Hospice celebrates National Volunteer Month. Hospice volunteers are dedicated people who work to make a difference in other people’s lives serving them with compassion and care. At GSH our volunteers volunteer...


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